
Thugs target boozers coming from ebumnandini!

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Residents from Mngadi section in Katlehong, Ekurhuleni are worried about thugs who terrorise them at night.
Residents from Mngadi section in Katlehong, Ekurhuleni are worried about thugs who terrorise them at night.

BEWARE of three thugs who terrorise the community of Katlehong in Ekurhuleni!

This was a stern warning from police to residents during a community meeting organised by cops and the Community Police Forum on Monday, 29 April at Mngadi section in Katlehong.

This after several cases were reported at Ramokonope cop shop of thugs targeting boozers coming back from ebumnandini.

According to Ekurhuleni police spokeswoman Captain Neldah Sekgobela, a lot of cases were reported in the past two months, which included rape, robbery and assault.

She said the three suspects, who are armed with guns and knives, have been targeting several areas including Siluma View, Radebe section, Moleleki, Kwesine Hostel and other surrounding areas.

"The thugs use a similar modus operandi where they target victims when they come back from places of entertainment such as shebeens, taverns and many more others.

"They attacked them and robbed them of their belongings," said Sekgobela.

She said that several cases of rape have been reported, including that of a 17-year-old victim who was gang raped, allegedly by the thugs.

She said during the meeting, it was suggested that volunteers should help to patrol during the evening, especially now that winter is around the corner.

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"It will get dark early which means nights will be very long and the thugs will target people and rob them," said Sekgobela.

One of the residents, Gladys Makwela said they are tired of crime.

"We can't allow thugs to rule our streets. People have the right to be entertained. We appeal to cops to be visible and patrol our areas, especially at night," said Makwela.

Katlehong station commander Brigadier Albertina Vesi praised the commitment shown by the residents of Kwesine Hostel and the residents to work with cops to fight crime in their areas.

She urged residents not to take the law into their hands after apprehending the suspects. 

"Two wrongs cannot make one right. When a suspect has been found in your area, call the police," said Vesi.

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